Spontaneous Stuttering

Spontaneous Stuttering

Spontaneous speech is characterized by little premeditation, effortless production, and is enjoyable/meaningful. Fluent speech is characterized by a lack of noticeable disfluencies. In this talk, Dr. Constantino will outline a model which emphasizes spontaneity rather than fluency to understand the experience stuttering. He will discuss the results of an ecological momentary assessment study in which spontaneity and fluency were measured during the real-life conversations of people who stutter and modeled over time. He will also discuss clinical implications and ways to incorporate these ideas into treatment.

Target Audience: Speech-Language Pathologists*, Researchers, Adults who Stutter

Bio: Christopher Constantino, Ph.D., CCC-SLP lives in Tallahassee with his wife, Megan, and son, Augustine. He is a speech-language pathologist and assistant professor at Florida State University. He works clinically with people who stutter and teaches classes on stuttering and counseling. He researches ways to improve the embodied and social experiences of stuttering. He co-edited the book Stammering Pride & Prejudice. He believes chocolate chip cookies should have nuts.

Spontaneous Stuttering