Stuttering Therapy in Schools

Stuttering Therapy in Schools

Description: Providing speech-language services for children who stutter (CWS) in the school setting can be challenging. Stuttering is complex; work-setting challenges abound; and most clinicians lack comfort when working with CWS. Challenges are described based on Chmela and Johnson’s (2019) categories: Process, content, and integration. This presentation describes ongoing efforts in the Wake County Public School System to meet these challenges by maximizing clinician readiness and optimizing services for CWS. Suggestions are provided for clinicians whose school districts may not yet provide systematic support in the area of fluency disorders.

Bio: Rob Dellinger lives in Raleigh, N.C., with his wife, Virginia, and two daughters. He is a school speech-language pathologist and the consultant in stuttering/fluency disorders with the Wake County School System. As a consultant, Rob helps colleagues navigate ongoing challenges within the evaluation and treatment process for students who stutter. Rob is active in the local National Stuttering Association chapter and presents workshops on stuttering evaluation and treatment.

Stuttering Therapy in Schools