Stuttering Well: The Self-Management of Stuttering

Stuttering Well: The Self-Management of Stuttering

Description: Stuttering as an adult can be difficult. Although therapy is often helpful, after having been in therapy throughout our school careers, it may not be very enticing. Additional barriers to therapy may include a lack of a specialist where we live, the time, and the expense. Self-help may also be problematic. Our local self-help group may be nonexistent or anemic. If we are still struggling with our speech, what can we do? In this talk, I present an orientation towards stuttering that offers opportunities for growth. We will discuss how to get more comfortable stuttering and how to speak with greater ease and spontaneity. We can practice these things on our own, in our everyday lives. I will give a short lecture and then discuss the material with the audience.

Bio: Christopher Constantino lives in Tallahassee, Florida with his wife Megan. He is a speech-language pathologist and assistant professor at Florida State University. He teaches classes on counseling and stuttering and researches how the lived experience of stuttering interacts with culture and society. Chris enjoys making ice cream and riding his bike.  

Stuttering Well: The Self-Management of Stuttering