The University of Texas at Dallas Bundle

The University of Texas at Dallas Bundle

This bundle in intended for students at The University of Texas at Dallas to provide these programs at a discount.

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The University of Texas at Dallas Bundle
  • The School-age Child Who Stutters (#1079)

    This 38-minute video is an excellent resource and teaching tool for speech-language pathologists as well as teachers, parents, and physicians.

    Certain to further the understanding of stuttering and what can be done to help the school-age child, this DVD provides information about:

    - wha...

  • The School Clinician: Ways to be More Effective (#9502)

    This 84-minute video features speech-language pathologist Peter Ramig, Ph.D., University of Colorado-Boulder and includes:

    - Teaching children to identify moments of stuttering
    - Sequencing therapy in a meaningful way
    - Developing transfer/maintenance skill

    It is an ideal tool for clinic...