UNC Chapel Hill Bundle

UNC Chapel Hill Bundle

This bundle is for UNC Chapel Hill students to purchase these three programs at a discounted price.

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UNC Chapel Hill Bundle
  • Sharpening Counseling Skills (#9800)

    This exciting 3 hour program features renowned audiologist and expert counselor, David M. Luterman, D.Ed.

    Luterman's philosophy of counseling centers around deep listening and silent witnessing of our clients' stories and concerns as we refrain from providing immediate advice, information, or ...

  • Avoidance Reduction Therapy in a Group Setting (#6740)

    The roots of Avoidance Reduction Therapy for Stuttering are found in the pioneering work of the late Joseph Sheehan, a professor of psychology at UCLA, and his wife Vivian Sheehan, a Los Angeles-based speech pathologist. The Sheehans applied concepts from conflict theory and role theory to formul...

  • Byrd - The Role of Acceptance, Commitment & Mindfulness